Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Fun For All...

...he ain't afraid of no ghosts...

...chugga chugga chugga chugga moo-moo... of my oldest and dearest friends...
...celebrating her baby to be...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

More Editing are my little pumpkins...and my sweet butterfly...

she is precious...
...please note her pink hair for hope...this one is going to change the world one just wait and see... with my darlings in the pumpkin hats that grandma made adorable... my littles...
...making memories on a recently powerwashed deck...yay!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Some Fun With Photo Editing...

I used this same picture a few times...just having way too much fun...
...i like all the colors...

...just messing around on the computer...couldn't help was cold, wet, and dreary here today...and for some reason, I'm in a bit of a funk...just not my happy self...and i don't like that very I thought doing some work on happy pictures would help to lift my mood a first. Then I called the help line at because I still had some digiprints on a card to use that will be expiring this December...however, because the card is so old, they are no longer honoring it...goodbye to 250 unused digiprint basically, I spent a solid three hours editing photos and getting my cart all ready to check out just for a huge bummed. I was really looking forward to getting some great prints...they do the square prints at ritz, that I love so much...but's not in the cards for me at this time.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day...did I mention how cold and wet it was here today...45 degrees, and drippy rain all day...hello, winter...I guess I slept the day fall came to visit :(.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Went with some friends to the "pink hair for hope" event at a local was a fun way to get involved and help raise money for the fight against breast cancer. October is THINK PINK month...don't forget to do your self exams!!!

What a difference a power washer makes...yay!