Friday, August 29, 2008

Another day...another Rag Quilt... is my second attempt at a Raq the one pictured in "Perfectly Imperfect", this one is also imperfect, but I'm still learning, and it's fun, so what can you do? I gave this one to my little girl...she seems to like it a got her seal of approval by the face plant she did into it! I think that's the biggest compliment a novice (and mommy) like myself could ever hope for, wouldn't you agree???

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pics of some of my knit stuff...:)

Here are pictures of some of the things I:
have knit or are currently knitting...
ENJOY!!! :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well, this past weekend, I went to my 10 year high school reunion. I had a really lovely time...but I was disappointed that more people did not make it. It was wonderful reconnecting with old friends and hearing about all of the wonderful things people are now doing. A lot of people from my class became teachers...all kinds of teachers...3rd grade teachers, calculus teachers, music teachers, PE/Health teachers...the list goes on and on...some are working on PHD's, one I know of is in her last year of residency as a pediatrician, and of course a lot have young kids and babies now, and it is so strange to see the people you knew growing up as kids having's so amazing what can happen in 10 years! I'm looking forward to hopefully maintaining contact with some of these wonderful people better than I did for the last 10 years!!!

Because I was so busy reconnecting with old friends, I haven't had much time to create much of anything...BUT, I have another rag quilt in the making...I've cut the squares, now I just need to get sewing!!! I'm also working on a knit's about 50% complete...I don't have time to take pictures and load them right now, but I will take some soon and get them posted to share!!!

Hope everyone out there in internet land is doing fabulous!!! This is Brynne signing off until next time!!! :) MWAH!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008


So, yesterday while baby girl was napping, I decided to make a rag quilt...I LOVE these quilts, and I've always looked at them and thought, "I could make that...if I learned how to use a sewing machine, and got the fabric, etc..." Well, yesterday, I decided to give it a mom had schooled me on how to use her old sewing machine, so with no directions, and no real idea of what I was doing (I've never sewn a blanket of any kind in my life), I threw caution to the wind and dove in head first with this project. I was able to make it all in one day during the naps that my baby girl takes...mind you, this quilt is by no means "perfect"...some of the seams are crooked, I didn't really measure precisely for the squares, and there are certainly a number of mistakes...but that's one of the things I love about these rag quilts...because the edges are "ragged", it really hides a lot of those imperfections! It's super soft and so cozy...I can't wait to get started on another one...but first I'll have to go out and buy some more thread, flannel, batting...and maybe a new pair of scissors!!! :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just another day in paradise...

Hello everyone...

Today was a good day...not a whole lot going on. My mom came out for her weekly visit to spend time with her grandbaby...unfortunately, we had to go to the doctor because baby had a bad cough...good news, though...just the common cold, so she will be fine. After the doctor visit, we went to My Favorite Yarn Shop and found some GREAT deals on some FABULOUS yarn (pictured was 50% off)...that was wonderful!!!

Today was a pretty laid back day for us here...I've been online searching for pettiskirts for the past hour...I did manage to find "how-to" instructions, but we'll see...the pettiskirts I'm referring to are those really fluffy fun can find them by searching Belle Ame, Oopsy Daisy Baby, etc...they are so yummy looking...BUT WAY TOO least for me and our modest family income (these pettiskirts range anywhere from $65.00 up to $80.00) me crazy, but that just seems like an awfully large price to pay for something that will essentially be used merely to take some really fabulous pictures (that is the reason I'm constantly searching the web looking for giveaways or REALLY GREATLY DISCOUNTED ones)...I've not had any luck yet...but the search continues!!!

Anyhoo...if anyone out there is reading this and you'd like to donate a pettiskirt to a desperate mom (me)...let me know!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

OMG...HAS THIS EVER HAPPENED TO YOU??? as I was writing my VERY FIRST BLOG EVER...I was apparently also on the phone (unbeknownst to me)...ugh...I had tried earlier this morning to call my mom (I usually call her numerous times throughout the day)...well, she was out and about and I THOUGHT that I had hung up the phone, but apparently, I did not, and it was still connected. My dear mother called me on my cell phone and told me "there's something wrong with your home phone, I've been trying to call, but it won't go through", I go to check it only to find out it is CONNECTED!!! My mom then tells me she thought I had tried to leave a message because she could hear me and my baby girl on her voicemail...babbling, singing ABC's and who knows what think this stay at home mom needs a nap :0!!! LIVE AND LEARN!!!

first time for everything...51 things about moi!!!

Well, first of all...HELLO WORLD, I HAVE ARRIVED!!! This is a FIRST for me, and to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing...what I might end up writing, or how this blog monster will evolve, but I guess, we'll see now won't we??? Now...allow me to introduce myself via listing 51 facts about yours truly...why fifty ONE...because everyone else does 50...I like to be different...enjoy!!!

1. I'm 28
2. mom of one (so far)
3. happily married
4. hobbies include: knitting, reading, running, sewing, and daydreaming...
5. when I was little I dreamed of being the voice of a Disney Princess in a movie :)
6. I was born in CA
7. I now live in VA
8. I'm going to my High School 10 Year Reunion this weekend!!! (yikes)
9. I have one brother (he's married and lives in CT and he and his wife are expecting their first baby in December)
10. I live relatively close to my mom and dad (about an hour and 15 minutes away)
11. I love my family
12. I hate injustice
13. I'm a fan of the olympics
14. not a fan of sushi
15. I love to laugh
16. I don't really love to get laughed AT...
17. I have brown eyes...
18. I love animals
19. I have two dogs...I LOVE THEM...
20. I hate all the hair my dogs leave throughout the house...
21. I vacuum on a regular basis
22. I hate to clean
23. I'm not much of a cook...but I try
24. I'm short
25. I'm a little under the weather today
26. my baby girl is turning one in September
27. I love pizza
28. I love taking pictures
29. I love roller skating and ice skating (even though I'm not that great at either one :0)
30. Fall is my FAVORITE time of year
31. I love the beach...wish I could be there now!
32. I miss my Grandma :(
33. I worry about my dad...
34. my neighbors have six kids already and they are expecting their SEVENTH in January!
35. my husband likes to build stuff
36. a bear recently destroyed our corn in our garden
37. I can walk to the Appalachian trail...
38. I used to be a lifeguard
39. I've run a 1/2 marathon
40. I participate in the National Race for the Cure every year
41. I have wonderful friends
42. I went to college in NC
43. I'm a member of ZTA
44. I've met Willard Scott
45. I believe in God and I love church
46.I love roller coasters
47. I've been to Disneyland AND Disney World (they are both equally awesome)
48. I love horses
49. I'm afraid of spiders
50. I love driving in the rain
51. I was born on Giggling just can't make this stuff up...;0 I know a lot of those facts are RANDOM...could you tell I was having a difficult time thinking of things about seems like that took FOREVER...anyway...hope you enjoyed learning a little something about me...if you liked it...leave a comment...I don't see any reason to keep on blogging if no one is going to read what I have to say...but who knows...tune in next time for some other random stuff:)!!!