Wednesday, October 29, 2008


This is an ACTUAL conversation I heard at the GYM today:
***names have been changed for anonymity***

Lucy: I ate an entire bag of chocolate chips last night...I just love them...I can't help myself

Susie: I thought you were allergic to chocolate chips...why did you eat them if you are allergic?

Lucy: Well, I am allergic, and I got sick afterwards...but I read that they are 60% cocoa, and that cocoa is GOOD for you, so...


Lucy: Well...what can I say....I LOVE CHOCOLATE CHIPS!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This has to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen (next to my baby girl, of course)!

It's the worlds smallest postal service!!! How can stuff like this exist and not more people know about it??? If you thought you had a problem with letters getting lost in the mail before you read this post...can you imagine trying to find a lost letter that is "the world's smallest"??? Amazing...just amazing...had to post about it because I think it's cute!!!

Check out the entire site at

Friday, October 17, 2008

Totally cute AND useful...imagine that!!!

Aren't you just amazed that these cute little hats are actually bike helmets??? Now why couldn't I have thought of this??? I hope they start to make something like this over here for people that actually ride bikes and don't want to wear the "typical" protective unattractive head gear! You can see all the designs at

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Day at the Park

Yesterday, we met up with some great friends for a fun day at the park! Sometimes the simplest of activities can bring the most joy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Festival of Leaves!

This past weekend we went to the Festival of Leaves in our town. The main reason? Our adorable little niece was in the parade!!! I wish we could have stayed longer to really take it all in, but we did have other things that needed to be done...maybe next year we'll be able to enjoy it a bit more because from what I saw, it was a pretty neat little festival!!! Above are some pics we took...not too exciting, but here they are anyway!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Pony Ride!

Hi Everyone!!! We took advantage of a nice day and daddy being at home to go and visit with some friends!!! They live on a farm and LOVE animals, so of course, there were lots of cows, some horses, and a pony. Baby girl got to ride on a pony, named Amigo, for the very first time! She just loved it...big smiles the whole time! She was laughing and just having the time of her life! She was so worn out from her ride, that she just conked out on the way home! If you look closely, you can see what she was having as a snack before she fell asleep! You will also notice what a nice carseat she is riding in...compliments to Auntie Kaye and Uncle Chris...she's loving her seat!!! That's all for girl just woke from her nap!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just another fun Monday!

Just a little bit of the magic I get to experience every day...I know....I'm a lucky one!

Red hat with ruffle on top made by "Grandma" for baby girl's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! Cupcake hat made by me!

Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm Back!!! Here's a little shout out to my big bro!

So sorry to all you loyal readers that I have not posted much of anything lately...I could list my many excuses, but that would only bore you to tears, I'm sure...and what's a good enough excuse not to be blogging??? Anyway, I AM back, and I have been working on some things...but due to the fact that I'd like to keep some of them a surprise (as they may be gifts for some of you readers out there)...I will not be posting pictures of some of them until later on, so you'll just have to stay tuned!!! The above photographs I actually stole from my big brother's websites...aren't they just beautiful? He's quite a talented photographer...and that's not even his profession! I think you will all agree he's got a great eye for photographing everyday things, but making them look so unique and special. You can see his pictures at Until next time...enjoy!